Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A manic Monday turns into an aww-inspiring night...yep, we hit the opera!

Could I understand a single word from the entire production?
...nope, considering it was sung in Czech

Could I see the English subtitles from where we were sitting?
...nope, but we could see the entire stage

Was it the most incredible thing my pinoy ears have ever heard?
....Heck yea!

It was purely amazing listening to the vocals coming out of these performers and to top it off, it was held with the world renowned, Sydney Opera House!

Rusalka is a fairy tale from which the Little Mermaid was loosely based on...A water nymph falls in love with the prince and the story goes on. Very classical in that there was not a lot of stage fluff...no elaborate costumes, no interchanging set designs, it was all for the vocals. It was extremely handy to be sitting beside Anastasyia, who is Russian, and could pick out some of the dialog for me! During intermission, it was hilarious to watch everyone in our row reach for the program to read what they had just witnessed on stage! Quite the experience, quite the night!

Anastaysia, Me, Ciara, Kirsten, Paula

Monday, March 26, 2007

Soaking it all in!

One month in Sydney and I can't complain about anything! The sun is still shining and the beaches are amazing!

We headed to Manly beach this past weekend and it was absolutely breath-taking. To think that after taking a 15min ferry ride out of inner city, you're able to feel the sand between your toes and take a dip into the pacific. We met up with Ciara's friend who had just purchased her 1st surf board and ready to hit the waves on her own. I haven't had the chance to try the whole surfing gig yet but in a week, Adam is coming down and we've got a day camp booked off Bondi Beach so I'm really excited to wipe out hard! A board purchase might just be an option! The beach had an amazing vibe to it, people from all over the world stopping to chat and sharing their travels with us, playing TONS of beach volleyball and soaking in the rays, what more can you ask for? okay, except having Jack Johnson by your side! Naturally, we polished off the day with Fish and Chips...nothing like feeding your stomach a greasy meal after sporting the bikini all day!

I must admit, it's been pretty hard to gear down with the books with all the distractions of the city calling my name at a nightly basis but I've tried to discipline myself by locking myself in my dorm to get work done. The courses have been really good so far. At this point, I only have classes twice a week and in May, I start my clinical practicums. A lot of independent thinking and reading compared to my undergrad which is challenging (in a good way!). I've met a solid group of girls who are quite studious (Asian of course!) so it's nice to have that academic support.

As I mentioned before, Adam is on his way down next week! I'm really excited to show him what Sydney has to offer! We're heading out to NZ for easter break to visit his brother, Mark in Auckland. The last of the Turner brothers for me to meet so I'm really excited to have the chance. We're also planning to head out to Blue Mountains after returning (a national park just outside of Sydney) before Adam heads back to Singapore.

Hope all is well back home and the snow is starting to melt away for you! Ku and Braja, take care of Ma and Pa. Good luck to my peeps in Uni, one month left before the summer...keep trucking, April showers only brings May flowers!!!!

love ya all

P.S I'm always adding pics on to my links so keep checking!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Singapore in a Nutshell

The Best of Singapore:
  1. Fullerton Buffet: anything from King crab, indian cury to Steak and potatos...oh yea, and free flowing wine!!
  2. Night Safari at the Singapore zoo: Being scared sh!tless from bats swooping past your head but laughing hysterically after Adam gets Bat 'Juice' in his mouth!
  3. Chinatown during Chinese New year
  4. Fulfilling Ice cream cravings: nothing like Cookies and Cream at 7 in the morning!
  5. Langkawi, Malaysia: gorgeous resort island in Northern Malaysia
  6. Watching a moped park job being done on SAND by an inexperienced moped driver wearing a helmet too small for his noggin...aka AT!
  7. Full body massage, black rice scrub and an aroma bath to finish it off...pure bliss!
  8. Being asked by a Gr. 5 student if I've ever been ripped off by Mr. Turner!
  9. Dining: Brazilian, Singapore Chilli crab, Hawkers, Thai....it's all about the food!
  10. Holding claim on Adam at 4 floors- Dance clubs filled with ladyboys and such...
  11. Finding out Luke and Dalia are expecting in Aug....Congrats!
  12. Quality times with an incredible host!

The Worst of Singapore:
  1. Sweating constantly 24/7
  2. Cockroaches, geckos and any other creepy crawlers
  3. Staying the first night in Langkawi at a rundown hostel...bugs, webs, springs shooting out of the mattress and don't get me started with the washroom...ahahaa!
  4. Maintaining a status of a 'mail order bride'...only by my own family...thanks guys!
  5. Having to leave...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Settling In...


First, I would like to send out my sincere apologizes to all those out there who were promised constant updates to my move down to Sydney. I've been really busy and...what am I talking about! I shouldn't even start with the excuses, it's all due to pure laziness...sorry!!

I can't believe a month has already gone by since I said Goodbye to my family at the airport, and what a month it has been!

I was fortunate enough to spend two weeks in Singapore to visit Adam, before flying down to Oz. Singapore is amazing city, incredibly clean, insane modern architecture and scrumious food...a warning of gaining 10lbs on arrival would have been nice!

I've been here in Sydney for 10 days now and I'm loving every minute of it. A family friend, Annie and her sister, Ruby adopted me for the first weekend and were fantastic hosts to the city. The kindest people you could meet, my adjustment to the new city would of not been so smooth without them..THANK YOU!

The Uni is enormous compared to the tiny campus of Lethbridge. I've already met awesome girls in the faculty and pumped for classes to start up...only 3 days a week so I can't complain!

I haven't had the chance to see much of the city yet but this past weekend a couple of us headed to the MARDI GRAS parade. For North Americans, like myself, I assumed it would be very similar to the Mardi Gras held in New Orleans....Heck NO! Here in Sydney, it's pretty much for gay pride! Tight white shorts, dance routines to Dancing Queen and floats dedicated to Aussie's holiness, Kylie Minogue! So much energy and quite the experience... my personal fav was the filipino entourage!

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying all the snow back home! Be gratful, I've been one sticky mess from the heat since I've left!
Play safe and take care

Love May