Oy, Oy, Oy!!!!
For the sake of my parents, and all of you out there who are still awaiting a new post...here I am!
Sydney has been fantastic for the past couple months and it is only getting better. I made it through exams and just starting off with a new semester, which I am extremely excited about (no more fluffy humanitarian nursing courses...now it's too the nitty gritty!) along with many others......
- I moved out of my tiny dorm into a gorgeous place with the view of the city skyline...there's a kitchen, my flatmate SAM is AWESOME and the rice cooker supplies me with scrumptious fluffy rice 24/7
- One semester down....3 more to go!
- My 3 week clinical at the hospital gave me a glimpse of what nursing is all about...and I still love it to death...complete with witnessing open heart surgery and a leg amputation, not too mention Mc Steamy! (haha, that was for you Aneta!)
- Vball league is my active getway with great girls...12-1..ya baby!
- I haven't succumbed to the crazy retro, neon 80s look Oz is infamous for...
- I finally was able to see Jack Johnson in concert at Live Earth
- Roadtrip down Great Ocean road
- Spending quality time with AT right before school starts up again
- Being pulled on stage with Adam at a musical about cross dressers and having a good ol' western hoedown
- It's FREAKIN' cold at night! Hasn't anyone told Australia about central heating????
- Saying good bye to my friends...I should have known not to get close to exchange students!
- Not being able to cuddle up to Maja and Faja!
LOVE you guys and miss you all! take care of each other,