Tuesday, August 7, 2007

4 months in 5 mintues...

(Gorgeous afternoon in Victoria Park)

Oy, Oy, Oy!!!!

For the sake of my parents, and all of you out there who are still awaiting a new post...here I am!
Sydney has been fantastic for the past couple months and it is only getting better. I made it through exams and just starting off with a new semester, which I am extremely excited about (no more fluffy humanitarian nursing courses...now it's too the nitty gritty!) along with many others......

(View from my Balcony)
  1. I moved out of my tiny dorm into a gorgeous place with the view of the city skyline...there's a kitchen, my flatmate SAM is AWESOME and the rice cooker supplies me with scrumptious fluffy rice 24/7
  2. One semester down....3 more to go!
  3. My 3 week clinical at the hospital gave me a glimpse of what nursing is all about...and I still love it to death...complete with witnessing open heart surgery and a leg amputation, not too mention Mc Steamy! (haha, that was for you Aneta!)
  4. Vball league is my active getway with great girls...12-1..ya baby!
  5. I haven't succumbed to the crazy retro, neon 80s look Oz is infamous for...
  6. I finally was able to see Jack Johnson in concert at Live Earth
  7. Roadtrip down Great Ocean road
  8. Spending quality time with AT right before school starts up again
  9. Being pulled on stage with Adam at a musical about cross dressers and having a good ol' western hoedown
...and the bad...

  1. It's FREAKIN' cold at night! Hasn't anyone told Australia about central heating????
  2. Saying good bye to my friends...I should have known not to get close to exchange students!
  3. Not being able to cuddle up to Maja and Faja!

LOVE you guys and miss you all! take care of each other,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

since no one has left a comment, and you have been kind enough to leave one for me, thought i would return the favour and see if you ever check this thing.
interesting reading about your life in Australia. seems like you are enjoying life, experiencing a tonne of cool things, and surviving the long distance thing. It is fun eh???
Can't wait to see you and big butt at Christmas. the girls are super pumped too...finally a chance to meet the legendary MAy MAy.
take care of yourself and have fun this week with your man. we'll get on the webcam and you can see lil' Anna Banana